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Compta distinguished by the European Environment

  • Posted on:  terça, 10 dezembro 2013 11:24

Compta one of the largest national groups in the sector of Information Technology, - has been distinguished by the Eco-Innovation Observatory entitled "Good Practice Portugal."

The recognition of this specialized observatory of the European Commission is due to an innovative waste management solution developed by Compta.

The Portuguese company was already been awarded in 2012 under the Green Project Awards Portugal.

Being one of the first solutions in Portugal prepared to work in the system Pay as you throw (PAYT), a more equitable system that allows assessing objectively the amount of waste produced and make charge more fairly.

Bringing software and hardware in a single application, the solution of waste collection presents a unified view of all processes related to this activity, enabling the attainment of consolidated data on the operation of the fleet and the control and monitoring of equipment in real time. The big advantage is reflected in the centralized management of these devices and work teams, starting with innovative features such as the waste weighing or counting and identification of containers collected.

"After winning the Green Project Awards with ezWASTE solution, Compta is proud to witness the prestigious recognition of the Eco-Innovation Observatory, integrating the repository of best practices carefully designed for this European body." Explains Jorge Delgado, Compta CEO . "This innovative solution is a fundamental pillar for the implementation of a philosophy of Pay as you throw" (PAYT), fairer and which will manage the collection systems in a more sustainable and balanced for everyone. "Adds the same responsible.

Aggregating the most innovative capabilities of current technology (RFID, GPS, GPRS), this vertical solution is highlighted by its benefits in terms of economic and social performance, as well as the level of environmental impact. On the one hand, we highlight the gains in productivity and profitability of teams and resources allocated, since ezWASTE allows companies to focus efforts on reducing costs. On the other, the positive impact of efficient management of materials and energy resources, including the reduction of fuel consumption and increase the amount and variety of waste processed and valued by virtue of a collection smarter.

2013-03-19 15:00 - AICEP

Ler 22689 vezes Modificado em terça, 10 dezembro 2013 11:28